Effective September 1, 2024, Family Law Code §4061(a) is amended to require that parents share child support add-ons based on their relative net incomes after payment of support and taxes. Currently, parents are generally ordered to share 50/50 all add-ons for child support, such as uninsured medical expenses and childcare costs. The court has the […]

Going through a divorce for a first time can be intimidating or scary to some.  Here are a few general steps you could consider before embarking on this path:   Consult with a divorce attorney: Seek legal advice from an experienced family lawyer who can guide you through the process and protect your rights.   […]

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process.  California is a community property state, which means that there is a creation of a community entity during the marriage. Each spouse is entitled to 50% of the community. In addition to property rights, each spouse may receive child support and spousal support from the other spouse.  […]

In California, spousal support, also known as alimony, can be modified under certain circumstances. To modify spousal support, you typically need to demonstrate a significant change in circumstances since the original spousal support order was issued. Here are the general steps to modify spousal support in California:   Gather relevant information: Collect all necessary documentation […]

California guideline child support is calculated through the use of the Dissomaster software. In Los Angeles and Orange Counties, the court uses the Santa Clara as county. The factors that are important to this calculation includes the parents’ timeshare with the child, each parent’s gross monthly earning, each parent’s tax filing status, healthcare insurance premium […]

California requires child support amount to be set as guideline. Family Code § 4052. In layman’s terms, “guideline” means utilizing the Dissomaster software to input each parent’s income, the timeshare percentage for each child and any tax deduction or other applicable factors.  In all child support orders or judgments that has a child support order, […]

For anyone who has ever been in a highly contested custody dispute, often time there are many different perspectives that the court has to balance, including those of the minor children. Where there are disputed issues regarding parental cooperation, mental health, addiction, neglect, abuse, or the safety and welfare of the children, the court generally […]

Child Custody & Visitation Services: Expert child custody and visitation services from Regal Law Office for parental rights.

A stable parenting plan is important in a divorce action with children. The process of setting up a custody schedule to see your children may seem daunting to separating parents but it is a crucial process that will aid in giving your children a stable and supporting environment.  A few visitation schedule for parents that […]

divorce attorney

Sometime it is not enough for former spouses to enter into a divorce decree to determine their support obligation and divide their assets and debts, one must be able to collect on the money orders/judgments. It is not unusual that people evade their legal responsibility to pay support or pay out the former spouse. Below […]

Emergency custody requests (also called ex parte custody requests) can be used to seek help from the court in cases where the child is in imminent danger or is at risk of being removed from California.  Generally, the court sets a hearing date 60-80 days out from the day a motion is filed.  A parent […]