spousal support

What do Social Security disability benefits have to do with family law? Before we discuss how social security benefits may affect a divorce or support case, first we must distinguish the types of Social Security benefits.  There are two basic types: one is an insurance claim and the other is a welfare program.  The insurance […]

With various publications about a prenuptial agreement and what it can do to protect spouses in a divorce such as this article, http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/perfi/basics/2010-03-08-prenups08_CV_N.htm, many people believe that a prenuptial or premarital agreement is the answer to their financial worries.  However, there is a general misconception about the purpose and legal force of a prenuptial agreement in […]

Because a divorce proceeding can take anywhere from six months to many years, some spouses will start dating while the process is still pending. In some cases, the dating spouses will ask if they can move in with their new dating partner and how such move will impact the divorce case.  California law provides that […]

In determining whether a spouse is entitled to permanent spousal support (alimony), the court turns to Family Code Section 4320 which listed the following factors:  (a) The extent to which the earning capacity of each party is sufficient to maintain the standard of living established during the marriage, taking into account all of the following:    (1) […]